Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Effusive Eli:
Stewart was in charge last night and they were watching Futurama. At 9:00 Stewart said:
Stew: guess what time it is.
Eli: time to watch more Futurama?
Stew: No
Eli: Time to watch more Futurama while we make a treat?
Stew: No
Eli: Time to stay up and have more fun?
Stew No it's time for bed.
Eli: is it time to go to sleep or is it time to get in bed and read?
Of course Stewart let him read until 9:45. He's a huge sucker. I put Eli in bed between 8 and 8:30 and let him read until 9. But a late night for Eli is worth a girls night out for me!
I was playing Yahtzee on my iPod
Eli:what are you playing?
Me: Yahtzee.
Eli: oh Nazi
Me: No, Yahtzee
Eli: OH! Nazi.
Me: (imagining him going to school telling people I play Nazi and getting panicked) NO YAH-tzee, YAH-tzee.
Eli: oh Yahtzee. Yeah I think I've played that before.
Eli loves a girl at school. He calls her "my girlfriend that I don't date."
On Monday Eli was helping me sort through the baby clothes. He said "can I be the second one in the family to hold the baby. I told him that Dad would be there so he would be second but that Eli could be the first visitor come see the baby at the hospital. Eli said "well can I be the 3rd one in our family to hold the baby?" Ha ha. I told him he can be the 3rd one in our family to hold the baby and since Knox can't hold himself I think that will work out ok.
Man, there was another really funny thing Eli said but now I can't remember! I need to get used to remembering these things since they are my favorite posts to go back and read.
Posted by Becca Jo at 2:17 PM 5 comments
Labels: Eli Says
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Luck o' The Irish
Eli learned his lesson from last year and didn't talk about trapping a leprechaun this year. Unfortunately for Eli, leprechauns hold grudges.
Eli laid out his green clothes so that he could do a quick change without getting any pinches. I'm not sure why he didn't just think to wear jammies with green on them but I didn't suggest it so that I could get a few pinches in. As you can see the naughty little leprechaun switched Eli's clothes to blue pants and a blue shirt.
When I woke Eli up I noticed that he had a leprechaun face drawn on his hand. I said "did you draw on yourself!" Eli looked at his hand and said "oh that stinking little leprechaun!" He jumped out of bed and when he saw his clothes he said "HEY, I didn't put these clothes out. I wonder what other tricks he played."
He searched every room he passed but all the action was in the kitchen. The chairs were tipped, there were footprints on the counter, and a note from the leprechaun with some candy. He also dyed our milk green which resulted in Eli not eating his cereal. I (meaning leprechauns) need to learn to stop dying Eli's food. It grosses him out.
Eli was pretty happy with the mornings events. He did kinda wish that the leprechaun had drawn on his face again but the leprechaun couldn't find the washable markers.
Eli is so trusting and innocent. He believes in leprechauns 100 percent. I am waiting to see if he still does after school today.
Posted by Becca Jo at 11:49 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
And last but not least-ME!
Since last year I was able to accomplish a few cool things. I did a woman's triathlon and ran in the Ragnar Race. Both races were really fun and I loved doing them. I would love to do them both again next year after I am back in shape.
I also turned 31 in July. We spent the day house hunting and I didn't remember that I had turned 31 until about January when I had to ask Stewart how old I was. For Mother's Day, Eli and Stewart bought me Rock Band and we really played that religiously. Our band seriously rocks and we do the best with Eli as the singer, Stew on drums and me on guitar. I also let Stewart buy me a gun. It's very cute and little and fun to shoot so it met all my requirements. It can kill a man so it met Stewart's requirements also. I actually love my gun but don't like to give Stewart the satisfaction of admitting it unless someone makes fun of it.
My favorite thing though is having a house. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our house and the neighborhood that we moved into. There is a lot of stuff that I want to do to the house but there is time for all that. I spent the first month taking down wallpaper and painting the upstairs bedrooms. Then I found out I was pregnant at the end of finishing the painting and was too tired (and a bit nauseous) to do anything more.So mostly I've been just growing this baby boy. I unpack boxes here and there and do all that mom stuff too. I have been pretty surprised that pregnancy is better and worse than I remember. This little baby moves around a lot and it's so fun to feel him move. I love it. I have a lot more aches and pains than I remember feeling with Eli though. It could be because I'm 8 years older or was 10 lbs heavier to start. I always said that if I ever got pregnant again I wouldn't complain but that's harder to do than I thought. I try to not complain much to people other than Stewart and my sister though. Oh, and this whole blog...
I'm just really happy that Stewart's home, that we have a wonderful home, and that my family is going to grow by one. It's a great life.
Posted by Becca Jo at 1:24 PM 6 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
Baby Brough
On Wednesday, September 29th I took a pregnancy test and was shocked to see 2 lines instead of 1. I have always thought that if I ever was pregnant again I wouldn't tell Stewart until I'd already gone to the Dr. and saw a heartbeat. So in true Becca fashion I ran right out and told Stewart that I was pregnant.
As soon as my fertility Dr.'s office opened I called to get a progesterone test ordered. Since I have had a few miscarriages before they always said that as soon as I got pregnant again we would test progesterone to see if that's why I was miscarrying. Since I haven't been to the fertility Dr. for a long time they weren't as helpful as I'd like and I had to beg them to order the test. I told them I had just moved and didn't have a Dr. in my new area and I didn't think anyone would see me so early anyway.
Anyway the test was ordered and I got the results the next day (Thursday). My progesterone was low and they wanted to test it again on Friday. In the meantime though they did call in an RX for progesterone though and I called a Dr. in my area and explained my history and they got me an appointment for October 6th.
My new OB is Dr. Ward and his office and the hospital are about 5 minutes from my house! I love that about him. I also love that he has given me about a million ultrasounds. At my first appointment he saw a heartbeat and put the baby at 6 weeks old. I still was very nervous and I think the first time I really thought that I really might have a baby was on December 29th when I got 100% confirmation that this baby was a boy.Dr. Ward's main advice has been not to worry so much...haha. Yeah right. I think this is a good little baby though because he wiggles around a lot and so I know he's ok. So far he hasn't hurt me or anything but I guess right now he's only like 2 lbs. He looked really healthy and great on the 20 week ultrasound and I'm so happy. I am 27 weeks pregnant right now and the end is in sight. My due date is June 1st but my Dr. said he'd induce me at the end of May.
I am SO happy for modern medicine. If there wasn't such a thing as progesterone supplements I would have had another miscarriage and I don't know if my psyche could have handled that. It has been a rough few years and I'd had really come to terms with not having another baby and was finally ok with it. That's probably the reason a month ago I was surprised all over again to see my big belly and realize that I really would be having another child. Some day's I still just can't believe it.
Right now and I think for sure this baby will be named Knox Timothy Brough. I really like having a name picked out early because it's fun for us to call him by name. I can't help wondering what he will look like. My sister's 2 boys look really similar and I can't picture having a boy that looks different from Eli but then I hope that this baby will look more like Stewart's side of the family. I wonder if he will have lots of hair like Eli did and what color will it be. I could drive myself nuts wondering these things because it makes me way impatient for Knox to come.
Posted by Becca Jo at 10:21 AM 4 comments